Day 3 - Loch Ossian Youth Hostel to Gorton Bothy, 34.0 km, 1070m ascent

This is a day for striding out rather than slogging up steep hillsides - very much following the railway line as it crosses the wilds of Rannoch Moor.  It will very likely be unfamiliar to most, with a different character to much of the rest of the route.  It feels like an inbetween day - a day between the high mountains.

From the hostel, pick up the track that rises across the moor toward Rannoch Station. Just after it makes a distinct right turn, a little trod leaves the main path toward Carn Dearg. This is indistinct in places but makes the ascent of heather strewn slopes easier.  Once on the ridge above, the going becomes easier and the views open out. A track of sorts continues along the South ridge which is descended all the way to the dirt track at its far end. A mile and a half of road takes you to Rannoch Station where refreshments in the tea shop await (if open).

Rannoch Station

It would be possible to cross the boggy moor parallel to the railway, but it is far easier to walk on the railway line itself (no doubt illegal). Keep alert and be ready to hop off to the side should a train or service vehicle appear.  Check for oncoming trains before you cross the bridge over the river although a metal walkway does exist to the side of the track itself.  Continue along the railway track until a footbridge can be seen. Cross this to access tracks through the forest.  March along these through desnse conifer plantations noting the little communities of caravans for forestry workers. Eventually, the railway is crossed and the plantations escaped by cutting up a wide forestry break to reach the rough ground above.Continue in the same line to the highest point which makes an outstanding viewpoint across the moor to the peaks of Glencoe, Lochaber and the Blackmount. Make your way over rough ground past Meall a Ghortain and descend to the bothy.

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